Our Studies

Simplifying Mosquito Net Manufacturing and Sales with a Custom Lead Management and Payment Processing Platform

RK Ecran is a leading manufacturer and seller of mosquito nets. The company is committed to providing high-quality products that ensure customer satisfaction and comfort.

Case Studies

Client Introduction

RK Ecran is a leading manufacturer and seller of mosquito nets. The company is committed to providing high-quality products that ensure customer satisfaction and comfort. It focuses on utilizing advanced technologies to streamline its operations and improve efficiency.

Problem Statement

RK Ecran faced several challenges in managing its operations and ensuring timely customer service:

  • Lead Management Complexity: The manual process of tracking leads and follow-ups resulted in missed opportunities and delayed responses.
  • Employee Performance Tracking: Difficulty in monitoring employee performance and ensuring accountability for assigned leads.
  • Delayed Follow-ups: There is no system to alert employees and dealers about delayed follow-ups, leading to missed leads and reduced customer satisfaction.
  • Payment Processing Issues: Manual handling of payments from dealers was prone to errors and delays, affecting the production schedule and order fulfilment.
  • ERP Integration: Existing systems did not seamlessly integrate with SAP, complicating the management of quotations, orders, and master data.

These challenges impacted RK Ecran's operational efficiency and customer engagement, which are crucial for business growth and competitiveness.



To address these challenges, RK Ecran implemented a custom-built web portal and mobile application developed by Maestro Technology. The solution includes:

  • Lead Management System: The web portal and mobile application allow for efficient management of leads, including assigning leads to employees and tracking their performance. This ensures accountability and timely follow-ups.
  • Delayed Follow-up Alerts:The system automatically lists delayed follow-ups and notifies employees and dealers, ensuring that no leads are missed and enhancing customer engagement.
  • Payment Processing: The application facilitates seamless payment processing from dealers. Customers initially pay dealers, who then send payments to RK Ecran after deducting commissions. Once payments are verified, the manufacturing plant starts production, and the dealer is notified of the order status.
  • Performance Tracking: The platform includes features to track employee performance, providing insights into their efficiency and effectiveness in handling leads and follow-ups.
  • SAP Integration: The solution integrates with SAP for quotations and order processing, as well as fetching master data like item masters and price master's through APIs. This integration ensures data consistency and streamlines operations.

Results and Benefits

The deployment of the custom lead management and payment processing platform, along with SAP integration, led to significant improvements:

  • Operational Efficiency: The automated system for lead management and payment processing reduced errors and saved time, streamlining operations. The SAP integration further enhanced efficiency by ensuring seamless data flow and consistency.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Timely follow-up and efficient handling of leads enhanced customer trust and engagement.
  • Enhanced Accountability: Tracking employee performance ensured accountability and motivated employees to perform better.
  • Seamless Payment Processing: The automated payment system reduced delays and errors, ensuring a smooth production schedule and timely order fulfilment.
  • Integrated ERP Systems: The SAP integration simplified the management of quotations, orders, and master data, improving overall operational efficiency and accuracy.


RK Ecran's implementation of a custom web portal and mobile application for lead management and payment processing, combined with SAP integration, has revolutionized its operations. Technological advancements have streamlined processes, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced employee performance tracking. RK Ecran recommends that similar businesses invest in custom technology solutions and ERP integration to overcome operational challenges and enhance their market presence.